Prayers & Squares

Prayers & Squares is an interfaith outreach ministry that combines the gift of prayer for someone in need with the gift of a hand-tied quilt.  The purpose of Prayers & Squares is to promote prayer through the use of quilts.  The idea behind these prayer quilts is simple.  A heavy  thread is used to take stitches through the quilt layers and the ends are left free to be tied.  Quilts are placed on the altar for congregation members to say a silent prayer for the recipient as they tie a knot.  Each knot represents a prayer. This comforting and prayer filled quilt is given to the person.

Through Prayers & Squares many quilts have been distributed, each a special gift of love-each for someone with a special need for prayer.

Join us.  We meet Tuesday at 9:30am at The Hut.

Prayer Quilt Request Form